MOTOsafety Blog
The Latest on Driver Safety, Education & More

Basic Car Maintenance Tips for Teens
By: Jana Rhodes
November 7, 2016
If your teen or college student is driving a car equipped with MOTOsafety, they have an advantage when it comes to keeping their car in great condition. Maintenance schedules help…

What to Do in an Accident
By: Dave Holland
October 24, 2016
When you send your teen out on their own, you should send them well-trained to avoid accidents. However, you should also send them well-prepared to handle an accident if it…

Teaching Your Teen Defensive Driving Skills
By: Jana Rhodes
October 3, 2016
As the parent of a teen driver, you do all that you can to teach your child to drive safely. So why are you so worried when you watch that car leave the driveway?

When Your School Cancels Driver's Ed
By: Dave Holland
September 23, 2016
There is a growing trend among states and schools to discontinue driver’s ed programs. The high cost of administering classes, combined with skepticism over how much classroom…

MOTOsafety Supports "Walk Like MADD" 5K Walk Events in Tucson & Phoenix
By: Dave Holland
September 6, 2016
Inexperience and speed are two of the most common factors in collisions involving teen drivers.

Taking the Car to College
By: Dave Holland
August 31, 2016
The start of a new college school year has arrived, and your young adult is excited for the next adventure. Your college student is probably thinking more about preparing for the…

MOTOsafety Back-to-School Checklist
By: Jana Rhodes
August 12, 2016
The class schedule is printed and ready to go. You bought everything on the teacher supply list. The new fall fashions are hanging in your teen’s closet. Your family is almost…

Teaching Your Teen Driver to Share the Road
By: Jana Rhodes
August 1, 2016
If you have a teen driver on the road, it is time to return to an old lesson: sharing. It has probably been some time since you had a conversation about sharing with your child,…

What to Teach Your Teen About Tire Safety
By: Jana Rhodes
July 13, 2016
Does your teen know how to maintain their tires? Driver’s Education programs offer great preparation and training for teen drivers. However, the focus is usually on safety…

Our Traffic Safety Message Carries With It Far-Reaching Implications
By: Lisa Robinson
July 1, 2016
For the last 15½ years, there has been at least one traffic fatality on roads in Texas every single day. Texas leads the nation in car crashes and in drunk driver deaths. Texas…