MOTOsafety Blog
The Latest on Driver Safety, Education & More

Drowsy Driving: Is Your Teen at Risk?
By: Janine Brownridge
April 6, 2021
If you have discussed safe driving habits with your teen, you probably took time to warn them about alcohol. However, there is a risk just as deadly that is affecting even the…

Winter Driving Tips for Teens
By: Janine Brownridge
February 3, 2021
A parent’s first instinct is to keep teens at home when winter weather hits, and this might be the right decision. New drivers are certainly not ready for the challenge of a heavy…

3 Types of Distracted Driving and How to Avoid It
By: Janine Brownridge
January 25, 2021
Distracted driving has been on the rise in recent years and claims thousands of lives. Here are three major types of distractions that can take place when we’re behind the wheel.

Top 3 Risks for Teen Drivers
By: Janine Brownridge
January 5, 2021
In 2019, car accidents were the third highest cause of death in the United States. Teen drivers, aged 16 to 17, are the age group with the highest amount of crash involvement. Our…

3 Ways to Curb Your Phone Addiction for Safe Driving
By: Janine Brownridge
May 3, 2018
Name something that you can’t go a day without and having your phone is sure to be a top response. Our phones are a part of our everyday lives. We use them as our morning alarms,…

MOTOsafety Saves the Day in Theft Case
By: Janine Brownridge
October 17, 2017
When car theft occurs, our first step may be to panic. Our next action is to call the police in hopes that a description of the car will be enough for the authorities to track it…

Making Sure Aging Drivers are Safe on the Road
By: Dave Holland
February 9, 2017
If you are caring for a senior adult who is driving, you might be apprehensive about their safety. You want to let them live as an adult, but you also want to protect them. Even…

Teaching Your Teen to be Polite on the Road
By: Jana Rhodes
December 21, 2016
Driver training usually begins with learning the law. The test for the learner’s permit is all about laws, and this is the focus of most parents when teaching their teens how to…

Preventing Road Rage in Teens
By: Dave Holland
December 5, 2016
Emotions can run high on the road and cause drivers to make poor and dangerous decisions. Recent data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) revealed that…

Preparing for Emergencies: What to Do If Stranded
By: Dave Holland
November 21, 2016
Every driver dreads finding themselves on the side of the road with a car that has broken down. For teen drivers who are still learning the rules of the road and experiencing the…