By MOTOsafety / Posted June 14, 2016
How to Use Flexible Alerts to Support Your Teen Driver
Once your teen starts driving on their own, it can be hard to strike a balance between hovering and protecting. Although MOTOsafety allows you to locate your young driver at any time, most parents don’t install their device with the intention to monitor every second their child is on the road. The real goal is to gradually teach responsibility. If you are looking for a way to give your teen some freedom but still know when they need you to step in, use flexible alerts to be notified of important information and events.
Signs that your teen might need help
One way to be aware of your teen’s well-being is to set geofence alerts for their regular destinations, such as work, school, or sports practice. Instead of constantly checking on them, wait for your automatic notification that they have arrived. If work starts at 4:00 and you haven’t received an alert by 4:10, you can check your MOTOsafety mobile app to see your teen’s location. You won’t have to call and tempt your child to answer the phone or text while driving.
Another signal to check on your teen is excessive idling. If the car has had the engine running in the same place for a long period of time, it may be because your teen is lost or making a “pit-stop” you weren’t aware of on the way to their approved destination. Customize the amount of idle time that you feel is excessive when you set up alerts. If you receive a notification, you can check on your teen to see if they need help.
Making safe driving a habit
During those first days of solo driving, your teen will most likely be nervous and cautious about safety. However, as time passes, comfort can lead to bad habits like speeding and accelerating quickly. Use flexible alerts to set thresholds for unsafe driving behavior, and you will know when your teen needs some additional coaching. Because you can choose different recipients for each alert, you can send them to your teen’s phone to help monitor their own driving.
Enforce family rules
Every family will have its own set of rules and expectations when it comes to how far teens can drive on their own and what time they need to be home. Geofence alerts can notify you when your teen leaves the area that you have authorized. If you are not at home while they are out, you can still enforce curfew. Just set up the authorized driving hours to match your established rule.
Keep track without constant interruption
MOTOsafety gives you flexibility to choose how often you are notified for each alert. You can get immediate notifications for time-sensitive alerts like arriving at school. However, you can set up a daily summary for speeding and harsh braking. Set up your alert system according to your own needs and convenience.
Our latest alerts enhancements make your MOTOsafety mobile app even more useful. Now you can customize the date ranges on your alerts reports, view daily, weekly, or monthly summary reports, and group your alerts by type. Clearly identifiable alert designs let you see at a glance what type of alert your teen has generated.
To learn more about the flexible alert options with MOTOsafety, review our list of key driving activities.
- Installs in seconds
- Rates driver performance
- Monitors safe driving behaviors
- Shows location in real time
- Generates alerts for speeding and more
- Signals unauthorized usage

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